On December 7th-8th, “Workshop on Engineering Education based on OBE”
which was sponsored by New Generation of Information and Communication Technology and Wisdom Education Fujian University Engineering Research Center, organized by Sugon Ruiyi education group and Xiamen Huaxia University was held in Xiamen.
The workshop focus on the understanding of educational concept and the topic of implement path of OBE. The clutivation discussed the engineering educational mode, evaluating method, evaluating tools and evaluating skills, and invited the Academician Dato’ Hean-Teik Chuah who’s from Malaysia as the keynote speaker.
This training has attracted the participation of leaders and teachers from nearly 20 colleges and universities across the country, and has achieved good results and strong repercussions. It has played a positive role in promoting the practice and development of OBE international engineering education mode in colleges and universities at home and abroad.